get it in the "right" position. It was an awfully tight fit, but I finally got it on. When I stopped struggling, I was amazed at what I saw in the mirror.

Sidney filled the cups of my bra with a pair of realistic silicone inserts which gave me breasts that were soft and bouncy. Even after weeks of getting used to them, I still was shocked by the weight and feeling.

After adjusting the straps, I said, "I'm really stacked! I must be at least 34 inches."

"I would say closer to 36!" he said, surveying me closely. "Over all, you'll be about 36-25-35. Not bad at all for a boy! Pretty shapely."

That made me blush but I didn't have the luxury of backing out now. "I have something special for you to wear," Sidney said, pulling something out of a bag. "These will make you feel sexy."

I sat on my bed to pull on the sheer nylon stockings he gave me. Sidney checked to see that they fit snugly and watched while I fastened them to a lacy garter belt that matched my bra and panties.

Smiling, he handed me a pair of white three-inch pumps with a little bow on the toe. "I wore these on a date last year. They will look great with your dress."

They were a bit higher than I'd practiced with. He steadied me while I put them on and walked around. These nice shoes really set off my nylon clad legs. I really liked the clicking sound they made as I walked.

I heard Sidney laugh, "You don't have to swing your hips that much!"

"Who's trying? This gaff is so tight, and with these shoes, who could walk any other way!"

"That's enough complaining, Jesse! You'll get used to it in no time," Sidney demanded. "Finish dressing like a good girl."

I obediently walked over to him. He was holding up a sheer sleeveless yellow blouse for me. It had pretty ruffles on the collar and down the front. Sidney helped me fasten the buttons down the back, then handed me a white pleated skirt that ended about two inches above my knees. I had never seen this outfit before.

"I bought it for you to have a new traveling ensemble," Sidney said. "You need to have a few things of your own.'


Sidney let out a wolf whistle. "What was that for," I asked.

He spoke in a deep voice, "Great legs Babe!" "Maybe I did too good of job!" he said with a smile. "If I catch you stealing my boyfriends. . .!”

I flushed deep red as Sidney got serious again. "All joking aside, I hope you don't mind dressing like this too much," he stated as he sat down on the bed. "We can have some real fun if you'll relax and let yourself get into all this."

"I don't know," I replied. "Most of it isn't that bad," I wasn't about to tell him what I really thought. If I did, he would make fun of me for real. I looked at Sidney who was opening the nail polish, then at myself. We certainly were like girls.

I wasn't concerned with him passing so all I had to do was remind myself to act like a girl. That wasn't too hard with breasts that were soft and bouncy! I was fascinated by the way they stuck out underneath the ruffles of my blouse. From now on, I would feel sorry for flat chested girls. I especially liked the way the outline of my bra showed through the thin material.

"Okay," I admitted, "It's not all bad. I am beginning to understand girls better."

Sidney asked me to sit down so he could paint my fingernails with the pink polish. After he applied two coats of enamel, he proceeded with my makeup.

First came a layer of face powder, followed by blush and pale blue eyeshadow. Next, he lined my eyes, attached my false lashes, brushed on mascara, and penciled in my plucked eyebrows. The final touch was coral pink lipstick that shimmered with lip-gloss.

I looked in the mirror. "WOW!" I gasped. Sidney was a magician. I looked dazzling! I dabbed on perfume, slipped a charm bracelet and a girl's ring onto my right hand. He fastened a locket around my neck and clipped a pair of dangling earrings to my lobes. "You really ought to pierce your ears," Sidney giggled as he fiddled with the large hoops on his ears.

I was ready for the final touch! My hair was quite long and lustrous. Sidney helped me fashion the sides up, tease the top a bit, and brush the back down in stylish waves.